Monarch Disease, Parasites, Pesticides

12 Monarch Diseases, Parasites, and Caterpillar Killers

Anal Prolapse

BT the Caterpillar Killer

Fresh Monarch Chrysalides are compromised by this parasitic wasp:

Chalcid Wasp

Flea and Tick Treatments 🦮

Monarchs can also get viruses and bacterial diseases. Here's info on preventing these deadly diseases:

NPV and Pseudomonas Info

Unseen to the naked eye, this common protozoan parasite wreaks havoc on monarch health in continuous growing regions. It affects those in the northern regions too. More info and prevention tips:

What is OE and how can you protect monarchs?

Milkweed Treated with Pesticides

Find out more about parasitic tachinid flies and see the troublesome signs to look for when raising monarchs:

Tachinid Fly Monarch Parasite

Are your monarch eggs turning completely dark and never hatching? This is the likely issue:

Trichogramma Wasps